Want to travel like the clients below?

Want help and a guarantee that you can book your next vacation for less?

Here are 2 ways we can help:

  • Point Research Service
    Want to get as much as feasibly possible out of your valuable points? Tell us where you're going, tell us about the best point redemptions you've found, & we'll tell you if we can find a better use of your points.

  • Travel Coaching
    Want to learn how to earn several hundred thousand points a year, and find $5,000 to $20,000 international flights in business and first-class - for as little as 50,000 points yourself?

These "regular people" with "regular incomes" are now traveling in luxury for budget prices...

  • No credit-card juggling: Most "travel for free" bloggers suggest filling your wallet with every credit card under the sun if you want to travel for free. But once you learn to travel the JGOOT Way - you will never have to chase another signup bonus again

  • Personal support: Our experienced travel experts have booked hundreds of thousands of dollars in free travel and will personally show you how to find those coveted $1000 per night rooms, or $20,000 first-class flights for nothing but points you can passively earn - and a few hundred dollars out-of-pocket.

  • ​​Guaranteed results: Depending on your circumstances - you'll be able to book $10,000 to $250,000 in free luxury travel, and we'll guarantee it in writing.*

More Case Studies

Our Clients In the News

Here is a short clip from CBS News and dozens of written testimonials from clients who are traveling better than ever before.

Gil goes to Dubai in Business Class for $34

Gil has booked multiple international business-class flights for $17 to $120.

Watch this case-study as he shares pictures and stories from his most recent trip to Dubai.

Mira & Jeff's $64,000 around-the-world luxury vacation

Mira's trip was inspired by finding $80 direct flights to Japan using "Rule 1" of the JGOOT Way of travel (no points required!).

She upgraded that flight to first-class using points,

and ended up visiting 6 countries,

taking 7 business/first-class flights,

stayed 24 nights in 4 & 5-star resorts,

rented cars (at post-covid rates)

and spent $6200 for a luxury vacation worth over $64,000

Stephanie Goes to Greece, Tahiti, and more!

Stephanie's trip to London was canceled in July due to COVID.

In August, she joined our travel program - JGOOT Lounge.

By the end of the year, she booked two separate luxury vacations. One to Greece, and another to Tahiti - and both were less expensive than her flights to London would have cost in coach.

She has since taken vacations to Hawaii, Aruba, and Italy - all business or first class flights, all 4 & 5-star resorts, and all for less than what she used to pay for budget flights and hotels

Nadja's 20th anniversary on a luxury private island

Within 2 months of joining our travel program, Nadja booked this luxury vacation for free.

It was a private island with all-inclusive 5-star service, and only 4 villas on the entire island.

Normal cost: $3500 per night.

Nadja's cost: FREE

Blake & Becca go to Dubai

Blake is in Real Estate. Becca is a Teacher.

They've NEVER flown in business or first-class, but after joining JGOOT Lounge - they booked $4000 business-class flights for $404, and will never have to go back to flying in coach again.

Watch as they share pictures, stories, and tips on how they did it.

Ashley books 7 trips for what she paid for one trip the year before.

Ashley has a family of five and they are a one-income household...

She used to work in the airline industry...

She thought she knew all of the tricks of the trade...

Then she joined JGOOT Lounge.

Join us for this interview where she shares the 7 trips she took in 2021 - for less than what she paid for ONE trip in December of 2020.

A tale of two trips...

Stephanie has always been an avid traveler.

She and her boyfriend Matt get out of town at least 6 times a year.

But before JGOOT - they stayed in budget motels, or rented rooms in an AirBnB.

Now, they stay at 4 & 5-star resorts, and spend less than they ever spent before.

Watch this case-study as she compares two similar trips with one big difference.

Melany takes four vacations for less than what she used to spend on a single trip.

Melany has a family of four.

They went to Hawaii just before COVID, they stayed 7 nights at reasonably priced lodging, they rented a car, and they paid $10,000 for that trip.

After joining JGOOT Lounge, they went back to Hawaii using the strategies we teach in our coaching program.

They stayed 8 nights, they stayed in nicer resorts, they rented a car (at post-COVID rental rates), and they paid $1600 for that entire vacation.

They also just got back from a vacation in Puerto Rico. Join as she shares pictures from the 4 trips she's taken since joining JGOOT lounge - all for less than what they used to spend on a single trip.

Retired teachers take first luxury vacation since honeymoon

Shelly & his wife are retired teachers.

Join as he tells about their first luxury Italian vacation since their honeymoon.

It was worth nearly $20,000 but they joined JGOOT's travel coaching program booked it for free on points.

Daphne took 15 luxury trips in 18 months

Since Joining JGOOT's coaching program - Daphne visited more places per month than ever before.

She traveled more luxuriously, and spent less than ever before too.

Join as she tells of her travels to:
Amsterdam ~ London ~ Singapore ~ Sedona ~ Grand Canyon ~ Nashville ~ Los Angeles ~ Costa Rica ~ Puerto Vallarta ~ Kauai ~ Las Vegas ~ Bryce and Zion National Parks ~ Egypt/Israel/Palestine/Jordan & Seattle

From 2-3 trips/year to 8-10 (for the same budget)

Jessica owns a hair salon in St Louis.

Before COVID, she and her husband traveled a couple times a year, plus maybe a road-trip when they could.

In the 10 months after they joined JGOOT Lounge - they took 8 trips for the same budget that they used to spend on two trips... (And they took two more in November/December.)

On top of that - they're staying at nicer resorts and they're stretching their travel budget so much farther - they're often taking their family on vacations with them as well.

Daphne took 15 luxury trips in 18 months

Since Joining JGOOT's coaching program - Daphne visited more places per month than ever before.

She traveled more luxuriously, and spent less than ever before too.

Join as she tells of her travels to:

Amsterdam ~ London ~ Singapore ~ Sedona ~ Grand Canyon ~ Nashville ~ Los Angeles ~ Costa Rica ~ Puerto Vallarta ~ Kauai ~ Las Vegas ~ Bryce and Zion National Parks ~ Egypt/Israel/Palestine/Jordan & Seattle

"This stuff works!"

Hear from clients who have applied the strategies we teach to travel more, travel better, AND spend less than ever before.

Learn the JGOOT way and take a honeymoon quality vacation every year the rest of your life!

  • Everything you need to know about free flights
  • Secrets to getting free accomodations
  • How to never run out of points
  • Our best credit card recommendations (you only need a few!)

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